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Welcome to Spirited New Beginnings, 

a place to embrace change


We have fulfilled a long held dream of establishing a collaborative  ‘hub’ where healing occurs on many levels – be it spiritually, emotionally or physically.  


Our mission has been to create a space that feels welcoming, calming and uplifting. Somewhere you can come to heal emotionally and physically, and experience personal growth. , 


With a broad range of modalities, and a dedicated team of professional practitioners, we have many ways to support your growth. Are you looking for change in your life, but you're not sure of the next step you need to take?


 Let us help you to discover a path to a more fulfilled way of being.

Our Offerings


We offer two healing therapies.


For emotional healing Hahnemann Healing


For physical healing 

Concomitant Healing


To see which one would be right for you click on the links above..

Healer placing his finger on a healing point on the forehead of a client.


Spiritual Counselling will give you an in-depth understanding of yourself and will clearly show you what action is required to improve your life and the love in your life. 

Holding a persons hand in a supportive manner.

Personal Harmony Values Coaching

This is a values-led program individual or group workshop coaching program. It will inspire personal growth in a practical, powerful and

meaningful way.

Beautiful autumn forest mountain path at sunset.


A personal reading will assist you to identify your path in life, your successes and failures, where you are off track and where you are enpurpose.⠀⠀⠀


Dreams are an important and internal part of every person's life. Few people understand their dreams, nor their significance to their life, either at the time of the dream or into the future. 

Image by Andreas Wagner


We believe that parenting spiritually is with the intention to empower our children to be the unique individuals they are intended to be.

Image by Liane Metzler

Self Development  Programs 

We will host many workshops throughout the year. If you wish to stay informed of our calendar of events, please sign up for our newsletter here.

Mens and Womens Support Groups

We host weekly men's and women's support groups at Spirited New Beginnings.  

Spirited New Beginnings

52 Kars Street, Frankston Victoria

All rights reserved. Copyright Spirited New Beginnings 2024


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