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Our People

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  Elke Newall


  Parenting Coach, 

  Children & Teens Mentor, 

  Personal Harmony Values Coach,

  Women's Group facilitator



What began as a journey into discovering my own path to better

health, purpose and vitality, has evolved into more than three

decades of assisting people to have more purpose and passion

in their life!

I have always been passionate about a holistic approach, and

this together with a strong desire to make a difference in the way

people engage with life, has been the driving force for bringing

Spirited New Beginnings into being.

As a mother, early childhood and youth educator, plant-based

café owner and holistic practitioner in a variety of different modalities,

I have found myself naturally helping people step into new ways of

thinking, doing and being to achieve a greater purpose and wellness. 

I have learned through my extensive studies with Ian & Pearl Rogers,

of Sphinx Spiritual, that for change to occur we need to be able to

resolve lingering issues from our past. Once these problems

are healed, we are more able to accept who we are, and

feel more safe and secure in ourselves, and thus find more

meaning in our life.        

The knowledge and tremendous support that I have gained

through their teachings has been fundamental in my motivation

to realise the dream of creating Spirited New Beginnings.

s evolved into more than three decades of assisting people to have

more purpose and passion in their life!

I have always been passionate about a holistic approach,

and this together with a strong desire to make a difference

in the way people engage with life, has been the driving force

for bringing Spirited New Beginnings into being.

The knowledge and tremendous support that I have gained through

the teachings of Ian & Pearl Rogers, Directors of

Sphinx Spiritual School of Learning has been fundamental in

my motivation to realise the dream of creating Spirited New Beginnings.

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Peter Anthony


Spiritual Counsellor,

Hahnemann Healer,

Concomitant Healer, 

Mens Group facilitator 


It’s been observed that a particular gift Peter-Anthony brings to

his work is that of softness.

So it’s not surprising that in each of the modalities in which

he helps people, he works in a gentle, understanding and

empathetic manner. But arriving at where he is now has not

been an easy journey for him.Recognising and coming to

peace with who you are can be a challenge for many people.

Because of what he has experienced and learned over his life

so far, he is well-placed to gently guide people to improved

wellbeing and to help them achieve greater contentment

in their lives.

For over 20 years, Peter-Anthony has been on a journey of

personal and spiritual discovery and growth.

Along the way, he’s had a family, confronted a number

of personal and financial hurdles, chosen to leave behind

senior roles in the corporate world, and in recent

times decided to change his name, to better reflect who

he is these days.He is rediscovering the “fire in his belly”,

which had largely laid dormant since the activist days

of his youth.

His work experience extends from being an advisor

(and confidante) to leaders at the highest levels in

corporate Australia, through to experiencing the

challenges and joy ofregularly driving a school bus.

Through these deliberate life choices, he has recognised that

it is that which is within you that defines the real you,

not your titles, or the labels that others put upon you.

These days he sees his role as helping to free the inner you,

and in so doing, allow you at last to feel that sense of

contentment that you have been seeking for so long.

Working with both men and women (typically over 50),

he aims to release the often long-held pain and hurt that

can hold people back from growing in all parts of their

lives. To be who they are meant to be. To find greater joy

 happiness and love in their lives.

And to have the opportunity to work in truly

harmonious workplaces.

In addition to directly helping individuals, couples, families,

groups, and organisations, he also has a passion to help

bring about a more loving, harmonious, and just world ...

where values such as equality, non-judgement, and honesty

are widely embraced. This is why he actively shares

information and insights, including through conducting

uplifting workshops and training courses.

Men with Spirit is one of these initiatives ... specifically aimed at

helping men to realise their potential and become

more contented with who they are.



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Marguerite Maguire



Spiritual Counsellor, specialising

 in family & relationship counselling, loss & grief 

Hahnmann Healer

Concomitant Healer

Dreams Interpreter




My background has been in Corporate Management

and Business. After many years gaining a lifetime of

experience in different industries, my successes and

failures led me to re-evaluate my life and the direction

I was headed.


Today as a qualified and passionate Spiritual Counsellor

and Hahnemann Healer, I have the opportunity to help

people to change their lives for the better, living by their

values and experiencing more love.  Not only has my

career change helped place me back on track, I am

now happy to be in a position to help direct others

to their pathway.

In a safe and caring environment, I will help you to

understand, identify and release any underlying emotions

and behaviours, which may be holding you back and

blocking your growth. 


I have found that combining Spiritual Counselling

with Hahnemann Healing, is a very nurturing way

to help you move forward.



Elsha Young


Family Therapist


As a family therapist I am passionate about working from

a place of authenticity, vulnerability, and building a safe

nurturing space where children and families can strengthen

and heal their relationships with themselves and others.


I came into this work to help and inspire others. As a parent

(and a parent to a highly sensitive child I might add),

I know the complexity of balancing roles, and the overwhelm

and pressure this can bring. 

I love working with parents to help them recognize and

celebrate their strengths and increase their confidence

through psychoeducation and building a safe and

respectful therapeutic relationship.


I hold a Masters degree through the Bouverie Centre and

La Trobe University in Family Therapy and a Graduate

Certificate in Child and Family Practice.

I am currently completing a certification in Synergetic

Play Therapy. 

I have over 10 years experience in the field. Having worked

in Child Protection, family therapy work with Adolescents

who were violent in the home towards their parents

and siblings, youth homelessness, child trauma counseling;

helping vulnerable young people to repair from the harm

of the impact of trauma. I have also run various types of

group work, and training workshops for schools and

professionals, professional consults and most recently

I have been facilitating mother infant, toddler and child

dyadic work. With mothers and children who have recently

experienced family violence and providing counseling,

and group work to help heal from family violence

and the impact of trauma on the mother child attachment relationship.


It is important to me that people feel safe in counselling, without

safety people cannot process what it is that they are coming

to counselling for. I am aware that it can be quite a daunting

experience coming to a strange place and not knowing

what to expect.I aim to create a space that exudes warmth

and a sense of nurturing for all ages. A key element in particular

in my counselling work with children is their sensory experience,

so I like to include different toys for play therapy and modalities

such as sand etc. 

Some of the services I offer:

-Family sessions

-Dyadic-parent child sessions

-Play therapy- individual child sessions

-Parent sessions

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Trish Hardy



Accredited Medium, Hahnemann Healer, Spiritual Counsellor

 Dreams Interpreter


Several years ago in what appeared to be a successful

life I was plagued by the question...…'is there more?”  
I was not achieving “something” which caused me to embark

on further study and a change of career– but still the “empty”

feeling was present.

Eventually I found my “something” and have been pursuing

my spiritual growth ever since. I am now in turn passionate

in using my skills, knowledge and gifts to enable others to

become and remain enpurpose in their lives.  


Trish offer private mediumship readings by appointment 

Dreams are an important and integral part of every

person’s life. Few people understand their dreams,

nor their significance to their life,either at the time

of the dream or into the future.

Dreams are given to people to help them on their

journey through life, to help them understand where

they are at and what they are

facing or about to face.

Dreams Interpreters have undergone specialised training in

understanding what dreams are, where they come from, why

they come to a person and in working with the client, they

are able to advise the client on the nature of the dream

and the message it contains for them.

The process with the Dreams Interpreter takes about

90 minutes (less on subsequent visits for new dreams)

and is a gentle and enlightening experience. It is

the job of the Dreams Interpreter to give the client a

clear understanding of the purpose and meaning of

the dream. It is the job of the client to decide whether or

not they are going to take heed of this meaning and act upon it.

Spirited New Beginnings

52 Kars Street, Frankston Victoria

All rights reserved. Copyright Spirited New Beginnings 2024


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