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Peter Anthony


  • Hahnemann Healer & Trainer,

  • Men’s Group & Workshop Facilitator,

  • Personal Harmony Values Coach.

0419 440 665

Throughout my life, I’ve had an inner knowing of my desire to help people; including to guide people towards a greater clarity and sense of purpose in their life. For most of my working life this took the form of advising individual and organisational clients as a senior-level management consultant.

For the last 14 years or so, this desire to help others has shifted to focus more on supporting individuals to cope with change and embrace personal and spiritual growth. In this time, I’ve gained qualifications and experience in various healing modalities, including emotional and physical healing, spiritual counselling, parenting coaching, and values-based coaching.

A primary focus I have these days is as a Hahnemann Healing Practitioner and Trainer, now using an enhanced version of this powerful emotional healing modality. Where appropriate, I work collaboratively with other trusted practitioners specialising in complementary modalities to achieve speedy outcomes for clients.

I feel well equipped to help others to deal with the emotional hurts in their lives, as I have had to confront issues and realities in my own life that I’d previously preferred to avoid. I have walked the same path as many of my clients. So, you will feel heard and supported … and challenged, where necessary.

Much of my work is with men (via Men with Spirit groups, and a regular series of podcasts aimed at men). But I work with both men and women. Both gay and straight.

My aim is to guide those I work with towards achieving greater contentment in their lives. Particularly those in the second half of their lives. 

As Gandhi said, “Man’s happiness really lies in contentment.”

I’m told that I work with clients in a gentle, understanding and empathetic manner.

Feel free to contact me to discuss how I could best support you to be who you are really meant to be.

More information about Healing for Contentment with Peter Anthony can be found here:

Spirited New Beginnings

52 Kars Street, Frankston Victoria

All rights reserved. Copyright Spirited New Beginnings 2024

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