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Our Services


Hahnemann Healing, & ConComitant healing,,

for physical and

emotional healing.

Spiritual Counselling

Spiritual Counselling will give you an in depth understanding of yourself and  will clearly show you what action is required to improve your  life and the love in your life. 

Art Classes

Our classes are for those who ‘can’t draw a straight line’ and for those who can!  You can begin or build on your ability.
To draw well comes from your ability to really SEE.

Mediumship Readings

A personal reading will assist you to identify your path in life, your successes and failures, where you are off track and where you are enpurpose.⠀⠀⠀

Programs & Workshops

We will host many workshops throughout the year. If you wish to stay informed of our calendar of events, please sign up for our newsletter here.


We believe that parenting spiritually

is with the intention to empower

our children to be the unique 

individuals they are intended to be.

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Spirited New Beginnings

52 Kars Street, Frankston Victoria

All rights reserved. Copyright Spirited New Beginnings 2024


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